Jun 01, 2019

set vpn ipsec nat-traversal enable set vpn ipsec nat-networks allowed-network set vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface 'dum0' set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address 'x.x.x.x' set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool start set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool stop set vpn l2tp remote-access dns set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool stop set vpn l2tp remote - access dns - servers server - 1 set vpn l2tp remote - access ipsec - settings authentication mode pre - shared - secret set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address # リモートクライアントに割り当てるIPアドレスを指定 set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool start set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool stop # 事前共有鍵を使う # "XXXXXXXXX"部分は任意の文字列に置換して使用 set security vpn ipsec nat-networks allowed-network '' set security vpn ipsec nat-traversal 'enable' set security vpn l2tp remote-access authentication local-users username test-user01 password 'testpass' set security vpn l2tp remote-access authentication mode 'local' set security vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool start '' set security vpn l2tp remote-access client set vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface eth0 set vpn ipsec auto-firewall-nat-exclude enable set vpn ipsec nat-networks allowed-network L2TP Configuration on Ubiquiti edge router Configure L2TP to use local user authentication #dhcp set vpn l2tp remote-access dhcp-interface eth1 #static set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-nexthop Next, lets define a DHCP pool for your L2TP server. Make sure it doesn’t overlap with your DHCP service.

Type command set vpn l2tp remote-access dhcp-interface eth0. 2b. If you obtain an IP address statically from your ISP, follow steps below: Type command set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address STATICIP. Replace STATICIP with your ISP provided IP address. Step 3. Setup a pool of IP addresses that remote VPN connections will use.

set vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface eth0 set vpn ipsec nat-traversal enable set vpn ipsec nat-networks allowed-network Now we start configuring L2TP settings, we start by creating an account that we will use for authentication. set vpn l2tp remote-access ipsec-settings ike-lifetime 3600. Set the l2tp listening address to the WAN IP and WAN Gateway. set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address ThisIsYourWANIP set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-nexthop ThisIsYourWAN-GW-IP. Optional to set the MTU but I do this just in case they end up on DSL or T1. set vpn l2tp remote

set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-nexthop set vpn l2tp remote-access ipsec-settings authentication mode x509

set vpn ipsec ipsec-interfaces interface eth0 set vpn ipsec auto-firewall-nat-exclude enable set vpn ipsec nat-networks allowed-network L2TP Configuration on Ubiquiti edge router Configure L2TP to use local user authentication #dhcp set vpn l2tp remote-access dhcp-interface eth1 #static set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-nexthop Next, lets define a DHCP pool for your L2TP server. Make sure it doesn’t overlap with your DHCP service. How to Set up an L2TP/IPsec VPN Server on Windows. In this tutorial, we’ll set up a VPN server using Microsoft Windows’ built-in Routing and Remote Access Service. To do this, we’ll be using the Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol (L2TP) in conjunction with IPsec, commonly referred to as an ‘L2TP/IPsec’ (pronounced “L2TP over IPsec”) VPN. set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool start set vpn l2tp remote-access client-ip-pool stop set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication mode local set vpn l2tp remote-access authentication local‐users username testuser password testpassword set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address 203.0. 113.1. WAN 인터페이스가 PPPoE를 통해서 주소를 입력받는 경우 또는 Dual WAN 로드 밸런싱을 Jun 15, 2017 · set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-address set vpn l2tp remote-access outside-nexthop set vpn ipsec nat-traversal enable