Official website for Google search engine. Search for web content, images, videos, news, and maps. Log in for access to Gmail and Google Drive. Find Android apps using Google Play.

Mar 29, 2019 How to remove yourself from Internet search results and Jun 04, 2020 Is there a way to remove sites permanently from (my If you use Chrome's Omnibox (the URL / search bar at the top) it will automatically append this to your searches, e.g., -"Junk Site" -"Spam Factory". If you use Google's search box (the one between "Google" and the little microphone) your search it won't, i.e., your search will be unfiltered. How to Remove URLs from Google & Bing Search Results Jan 19, 2019

How to Remove Content from Google Search Results

If the information still exists on the web. If the page where the information comes from is still accessible on the web, and doesn't require a login or have a noindex directive, follow these steps:. Temporarily hide information from Google Search by filing a URL removal request.This takes effect in about a day, but it is only temporary (after about 90 days it will reappear in search results). How to Remove Your Social Media from Google Search Results

Feb 13, 2019 · I can suggest 2 very easy options to remove a website URL from the google search result (SERP). Option 1: Use the robots meta-element with "NOINDEX" Add the meta-element robots to the source code of the page which is not supposed to appear in the

Taking Control of Your Name on Google Search Results. While you can’t simply call a 1-800 phone number, or any authoritative online figure you can contact to request that your name to be removed from search engine results like Google, Yahoo, Bing and AOL, if there are websites displaying negative results ranking on the first page of web searches for your name, like those appearing on Bing